Finds occurrences of an identifier by name in a file
Given a file path and identifier name, returns:
- Without position: All matching identifiers in the file
- With position: The exact identifier with that name at that position, or 3 closest identifiers with that name
Example finding all occurrences of “user_name”:
let user_name = "John"; // First occurrence
println!("{}", user_name); // Second occurrence
When a position is provided, it searches for an exact match at that location. If no exact match exists, returns the 3 identifiers closest to the position based on line and character distance, prioritizing lines.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
The name of the identifier to search for.
The path to the file to search for identifiers.
The position hint to search for identifiers. If not provided.
200 - application/json